Monday, April 13, 2009

Broadway Town Square

Project: Broadway Town Square
Location: Salem, Oregon
363 State Street
Salem, Oregon 97301-3533
General Contractor: Sharpcor, Inc.
Square footage: 200,000,000 sq. ft.
Status: Completed 2009.

My fourth project that I worked on with Chris. It was a 4-story apartment complex with retail on the ground floor and a movie cinema on the north end, which Chris worked on. The cinema is a tilt-up and steel construction and the apartments is a steel construction on the first floor and wood construction to the roof.

The first floor framing consist of open web floor joist with wide flange girders with a concrete on metal decking. It was not designed as a composite floor system. The east and west side had moment frames only because of the store front system. The lateral system in the other direction was braced frames. Above that, the framing system was wood floor joist with plywood shear walls. Brick veneer covered the face of the building up to the third floor. The apartment decks were a concrete slab that cantilevered off a pair of HSS beams. The cinema was tied to the apartments with a bridge at the third floor.
Early on in the project, it was discovered that a large tank was buried under the soil while preparing the foundations. This was located just south of the elevator. Several options were suggested by the soils engineer, but in the end they settled on helical anchors under all the footings within a 56 foot wide area. At the other end, combination footings were utilized due to property line issues which ended up working well.

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